Reports have suggested the investigation is going to clear Giovanni but this has not been confirmed. A source told The Sun on Sunday: “Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, Amanda has no regrets. She knows what went on in that rehearsal room. And she knows it was unacceptable. Amanda has given the BBC all the information she can to help them with the investigation.

“Amanda was greatly reassured during her first interview when she was told by the BBC investigators that her account was fully believed – and now it is down to the corporation to release their findings. Her biggest concern, from day one, has been to ensure that others don’t have to go through the same traumatic experience that she has.”

Giovanni recently revealed he has landed a role on the Italian version of the show. He shared a video via Instagram announcing the news. The professional dancer said: “Hi everyone, it’s me, Giovanni. I hope everyone is having a nice rest of the summer. I’m here in Portofino just finished two fantastic weeks with my family.