In recent years, 50 Cent has taken his verbal onslaught to social media, using platforms like Instagram to publicly spar with Diddy and others connected to him. From mocking Diddy’s legal troubles to insinuating deeper scandals, 50 Cent’s trolling knows no bounds.

However, it’s not just Diddy who finds himself on the receiving end of 50 Cent’s verbal jabs. Figures like Jay-Z and even Young Miami have also been targeted, further adding to the drama and controversy surrounding 50 Cent’s online persona.

Amidst the drama and controversy, it’s clear that Eminem and 50 Cent’s friendship remains unshaken. As they continue to navigate the complexities of the music industry and beyond, their bond serves as a testament to loyalty, resilience, and the enduring power of friendship in the face of adversity.